Thursday 5 November 2009

Plan C...

After looking closer at the lyrics we've realized that the song is about the funeral of someone's (the main character) lover, The very first opening lyrics give this sense.
'A dark congregation of familiar faces gathered around the quite earth
A red rose fell upon the soft snow, prayers were whispered so slow from our mouths'

The idea for our music video that we have produced from this idea is that we would have about 3 actors, people in our music video.. The Girl/Guy who was mourning, Their lover in flash backs and someone to play the artist miming for cut-aways.

So our video would be made up of 3 main parts. Our main character at the grave mourning, Then the main character in flashbacks of memories with/of their lover and cut-aways to the artist miming along to the song in a performance type situation, which we could possibly just film at school. This would mean that we could probably get all our filming done in one night and use our over night of taking the camera out to get the footage of the grave scene & Flashbacks.

Our main problem is that the editing deadline is at the end of next week so we dont have long to get all our footage taken & edited, as we have this problem we've decided that we will also carry on with our current idea & footage as a back up for if we don't manage to get this idea completed in time for the deadline. Another problem is that the lyrics our down and depressing and give this feeling whereas the music with the piano sounds quite upbeat.

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