Monday, 19 October 2009

Filming Plan.

We Plan do get filming more filming done by the time we come back from half term, this means that filming will take place over half term and i will need to find my own camera and get it checked by the college this week so that we can be sure that we'll be able to get some filming done.
The filming will be of any everyday life.. i.e. Waking up, Getting up and ready, making breakfast, riding a bike, going out.. etc. We do have some set ideas for what we want from this, we want the footage to be from our point of view and will introduce the lip syncing through a mirror or in a similar way. I will probably use my bike for the bike footage and put the camera in my basket... my only problem is that the footage we currently have is in an urban area and i live in a very rural area, also the footage of the bike in town is a different kind to mine so that may be strange.

This is a similar bike to what i will be using to get the filming.
Frying eggs could be part of everyday life.


My house

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