Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Film Plan..!

I was thinking for the filming over half term because the filming was done in cambirdge city centre i could also take some footage of that as it is the same urban area, and i could do some filming where my home is placed as it's kind of fits the scene, so i am going to get hold of a video camera take some of my own footage so when we come together (Me, Pia and Holly) after half term we could take some film of both of the camera, and use what we think is appropriate, at least we would all be working together and not having to just depend on one person so it's a bit fair for us all!

this is the street i live down, which could be included in the video.

<--- Also i could film where we previously filmed, in the city centre seeing as i live roughly about 15 minutes away so it wouldnt be so much of a change of scene.

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